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Microsoft Excel ® by Denis Pierrot (Pierrot and others, 2006).īesides eliminating the need for using Microsoft Excel on Petersburg,įL, is intended as a follow-on to CO2SYS, originally developedīy Lewis and Wallace (1998) and later modified for Petersburg, FL, Joanie Kleypas, NCAR, Boulder,ĬO, and Stephan Meylan, Jacobs Technology, St.

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The application, by Mark Hansen and Lisa Robbins, To Climate Change Project in response to its Ocean Acidification Geological Survey Florida Shelf Ecosystems Response Of carbonate system parameters was developed by the The USGS Environmental Health Mission Area Bibliographic Data Base was last updated on 12/31/19.A user-friendly, stand-alone application for the calculation There are 12 publications in this section of the bibliography.

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Walsh, H.L., Blazer, V.S., Smith, G.D., Lookenbill, M., Alvarez, D.A., and Smalling, K.L., 2018, Risk factors associated with mortality of age-0 smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, v. Swanson, J.E., Muths, E., Pierce, C.L., Vandever, M.W., and Smalling, K.L., 2018, Amphibian occupancy and effects of habitat use on pesticide exposure in Iowa wetlands: U.S. Swanson, J.E., Muths, E., Pierce, C.L., Dinsmore, S.J., Vandever, M.W., Hladik, M.L., and Smalling, K.L., 2018, Exploring the amphibian exposome in an agricultural landscape using telemetry and passive sampling: Scientific Reports, v. Kandel, C.M., Rapp, J.L., and Barber, L.B., 2019, Shenandoah River accumulated wastewater ratio (ver. Iwanowicz, L.R., Ciparis, S., Blazer, V.S., Young, J., Pinkney, A., and Lookenbill, J., 2017, Estrogen equivalents of surface water in the upper Chesapeake Bay watershed (2008 - 2011): U.S. Gordon, S.E., Jones, D.K., Williams, B.M., and Wright, C., 2017, Potential contaminant sources and other landscape variables summarized for NHDPlus Version 2.1 catchments within the Chesapeake Bay watershed: U.S. Geological Survey, access date, 2018īrennan, J.C., and Tillitt, D.E., 2018, Development of a dual luciferase activity and fluorescamine protein assay adapted to a 384 micro-well plate format-Reducing variability in human luciferase transactivation cell lines aimed at endocrine active substances: Toxicology in Vitro, v. Geological Survey Data Release.īrennan, J.C., and Lee, K.E., 2018, Endocrine active chemical screening tests optimized to improve precision, accuracy, and timeliness: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release.īrennan, J.C., 2017, Development of a dual luciferase-fluorescamine assay adapted to a 384 micro-well plate format-data: U.S.

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Geological Survey Data Release.īarber, L.B., Rapp, J.L., Kandel, C., Keefe, S.H., Rice, J., Westerhoff, P., Bertolatus, D.W., and Vajda, A.M., 2019, Integrated assessment of wastewater reuse, exposure risk, and fish endocrine disruption in the Shenandoah River watershed: Environmental Science and Technology, v. This section of the bibliography has 12 publications.īarber, L.B., Bertolatus, D.W., Dietze, J.E., Hladik, M.L., Jasmann, J.R., Jastrow, A., Keefe, S.H., Kolpin, D.W., Kraus, J.M., Iwanowicz, L.R., Melberg, A.K., Meyer, M.T., Rapp, J.L., Roth, D.A., Sperry, A., Tokranov, A.K., and Vajda, A.M., 2019, Assessment of endocrine disruption in the Shenandoah River watershed-Chemical and biological data from mobile laboratory fish exposures and other experiments conducted during 2014, 2015, and 2016: U.S.

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